> Scientific facilitation

> Scientific facilitation

Transversal groups

The transversal groups were designed as collectives that follow a more flexible organization than the teams. They can work with a reduced number of participants and a rotation or multi-membership of the latter. Their number and duration may vary during the JRU's current contract, depending on the wishes expressed by the participants. In addition, resources may be allocated by the unit for the operation of these groups. The objectives of the transversal groups are thus to:- promote inter-knowledge among researchers in the unit through presentation complementing that of the teams- explore new and emerging themes- encourage exchanges and collaborations with units of the University of Paris Saclay.

In this folder

Moderated by Agnès Lelièvre and Francesco Accatino
Moderated by Caroline Petit and Jacques Méry
Moderated by Emmanuel Raynaud and Christine Aubry
Moderated by Armelle Mazé and Véronique Saint-Gès
The “Health” group was created on the initiative of Mourad Hannachi and Pierre Levasseur

Modification date: 29 July 2024 | Publication date: 19 January 2024 | By: FB