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SADAPT Publications on HAL

HAL : Dernières publications

  • [hal-04759714] Vers une construction collaborative de l’agriculture en ville

    Cet article entend contribuer au débat sur la place de l’agriculture en ville et il interroge l’évolution des formes d’agriculture urbaine (AU) puis ses modes d’appropriation par les citadins. En particulier il investigue les représentations de l’AU dans le cadre d’une expérience de démocratie directe : le budget participatif de la ville de Rennes (Bretagne) (2015-2016). La dimension novatrice de cet article repose sur cette source de données, la plateforme internet où sont déposées les propositions des porteurs des projets, et les commentaires des services techniques et des citadins. Ainsi, un spectre élargi d’acteurs qui portent des regards multiples, parfois discordants, est pris en compte. L’analyse a été conduite avec plusieurs outils comme l’analyse discursive et la lexicométrie. L’objectif est de faire émerger les positionnements différents des acteurs, au vu de ces propositions de projet et des commentaires sur l’intégration de l’agriculture dans les espaces urbains. En outre, il s’agit de montrer comment ces représentations et les visions du rapport des hommes à la terre peuvent contribuer à la fabrication collective et collabora­tive de l’AU. Lien social, production agricole, éducation, une pluralité d’arguments est posée avec en toile de fond le désir de vivre ensemble. Cependant, les condi­tions du développement de l’AU sont discutées et on y voit aussi émerger un certain nombre de contraintes qui peuvent remettre en question la place de l’AU. (Giulia Giacchè) 30 Oct 2024
  • [hal-02917630] Avis en réponse à la saisine HCB - dossier C/NL/06/01_001. Paris, le 17 octobre 2018

    Le Haut Conseil des biotechnologies (HCB) a été saisi le 14 août 2018 par les autorités compétentes françaises (le ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation) d’une demande d’avis relative au dossier C/NL/06/01_001 de demande de renouvellement d’autorisation de mise sur le marché de la lignée d’oeillets génétiquement modifiés 123.8.12 (identificateur unique FLO- 40689-6) à des fins d’importation et de commercialisation de fleurs coupées. Ce dossier a été déposé par la société Suntory Flowers Limited auprès des autorités compétentes néerlandaises sur le fondement de la directive 2001/18/CE. Conformément à cette directive, la Commission européenne a adressé le rapport d’évaluation des Pays-Bas ainsi que le dossier du pétitionnaire à l’ensemble des Etats membres, qui disposent de 60 jours pour faire des commentaires, demander des informations complémentaires ou émettre des objections à la mise sur le marché. Par cette saisine, les autorités compétentes françaises consultent le HCB dans cette perspective, en amont du vote des Etats membres à la Commission européenne. Le Comité scientifique (CS)2 du HCB a examiné le dossier en séance du 17 octobre 2018 sous la présidence de Jean-Christophe Pagès. Le présent avis a été adopté en séance et publié le 23 octobre 2018. (. Comité Scientifique Du Haut Conseil Des Biotechnologies) 19 Aug 2020
  • [hal-04759843] L’Agriculture Urbaine révélatrice de formes de résistance

    Cet article propose un cadre d’analyse pour interpréter les pratiques socio-spatiales autour de l’agriculture urbaine. D’une part les pratiques des acteurs dans les espaces intra et périurbains et d’autre part, les interactions entre ces acteurs et entre les acteurs et leurs espaces. J’approfondirais ainsi une nouvelle hypothèse pour interroger la relation ville campagne où l’agriculture urbaine (AU) révèle des formes de résistances multiples qui sont développées en vue d’accéder à des droits qui sont niés ou remis en cause, en régime d’inégalités environnementales. Ces formes de résistance seraient le produit de pratiques quotidiennes et d’interactions entre acteurs, qui révèlent des situations de conflit, mais parfois de médiation et de compromis. L’article montrera comme le concept de résistance, peu être utile pour interpréter des logiques d’action en matière d’agriculture urbaine car il permet d’expliquer les motivations des acteurs, leurs pratiques et leurs interactions. (Giulia Giacche) 30 Oct 2024
  • [hal-04759850] Le pacte agriurbain de la vallée ombrienne et les districts agricoles et culturels de Milan

    Dans les zones périurbaines, les paysages agricoles possèdent des caractéristiques différentes, selon leur niveau d’imbrication avec les paysages urbains et leur structure de l’espace et de fonctionnement du système agricole. Afin de guider l’évolution visant à orienter le développement dans une perspective d’intégration spatiale et fonctionnelle, la gestion de ces espaces devient de plus en plus importante. En Europe, certaines expériences de gestion sont en train de se développer : parcs agricoles, projets agriurbains, districts agricoles, pactes agriurbains, pactes entre ville et campagne. Le succès de ces expériences, qui utilisent souvent une nouvelle signification de la « ruralité », est fondé sur une forte participation et cohésion entre les acteurs grâce à des pratiques de coconstruction de l’espace. Le propos de cet article est de présenter deux expériences de coconstruction des territoires agriurbains : le district agricole et culturel de Milan (Lombardie) et le pacte agriurbain de la vallée ombrienne (Ombrie), en analysant la construction du modèle, les échelles d’intervention, les acteurs socio-économiques impliqués et en considérant le rôle joué par les politiques mises en œuvre pour gérer ces espaces. (Giulia Giacchè) 30 Oct 2024
  • [hal-04759856] Gli strumenti di pianificazione territoriale in relazione alla funzionalità dell’agricoltura periurbana

    The paper focuses on the integration of periurban agriculture issues into territorial planning, as such integration appears to be largely insufficient at present considering the importance role recognized to periurban areas. The paper analyses the urban-planning instruments of two Italian regions (Lombardy and Lazio), characterized by wide agricultural areas and important metropolitan areas, as Milan in Lombardy and Rome in Lazio, highlighting the “image” of periurban agriculture, which emerges from these plans. The aim is to propose a reflection on the integration of agricultural functionality in the planning tools. In some contexts, as the periurban ones, the protection of green spaces is carried on by the permanence of farming, the only economic activity that could take care of the landscape; instead, often this function is not recognized by the urban policy. Hence the need to recognized a central role to agriculture in the land management recovering the functional role relating to the productive, social, environment conservation and protection and development of the agrarian landscape spheres. (Giulia Giacchè) 30 Oct 2024
  • [hal-04759885] Agricoltura periurbana tra adattamento aziendale e funzioni percepite

    Negli spazi periurbani il ruolo dell’agricoltura assume un valore strategico per l’equilibrio e la qualità dell’ambiente urbano. Il binomio città-campagna, che nasce da una complementarietà e una divisione funzionale del lavoro sociale ben descritta dai grandi economisti classici, assume oggi una complessità notevole e rappresenta una tematica su cui si è aperta una nuova fase di riflessione e di progettualità a livello italiano e internazionale. Il presente contributo si propone di illustrare le caratteristiche di un’area periurbana attraverso l’analisi delle relazioni economiche e sociali che legano le aziende agrarie al territorio, nonché lo studio delle funzioni ambientali, economiche e sociali dell’agricoltura periurbana riconosciute dagli imprenditori agricoli e percepite dalle giovani generazioni. Tutto ciò all’interno di un modello concettuale più vicino all’approccio dello sviluppo locale secondo il quale non esiste un terzo spazio periurbano fra quello urbano e quello rurale, e l’agricoltura periurbana viene letta come n possibili agricolture negli n possibili modelli di sviluppo a contenuto urbano. (Biancamaria Torquati) 30 Oct 2024
  • [hal-04759888] Les espaces verts de la ville d’Assise

    L’afflux de plus d’un million de touristes chaque année et l’inscription à la « Liste du patrimoine mondial » de l’Unesco en 2000 ont joué un rôle dans la manière de considérer et de gérer les espaces ouverts de la ville d’Assise. Les espaces verts font partie d’un projet global pour la valorisation du patrimoine, de la culture et du paysage. Trois exemples sont utilisés pour le démontrer : la planification d’espaces ouverts naturels et agricoles autour de la ville, le projet concernant les espaces verts dans la ville et la gestion des oliviers dans le parc naturel régional du monte Subasio. La richesse de cette étude de cas est qu’elle combine deux points de vue sur le paysage : d’une part, l’élaboration de normes et de bonnes pratiques pour promouvoir la conservation du paysage, d’autre part, la reconstruction de l’ancien paysage rural, considéré comme patrimoine commun. (Giulia Giacchè) 30 Oct 2024
  • [hal-04759806] L’expérience des parcs agricoles en Italie et en Espagne : vers un outil de projet et de gouvernance de l’agriculture en zone périurbaine

    Over recent years agriculture has been taken into account in urban projects in response to citizens’ requests for fresh and quality produce, recreational spaces and a ‘quality’ life. A real understanding is still lacking of the dynamics arising from the interaction between urban and agricultural spaces and between different actors (e.g. local authorities, farmers, citizens, planners) for whom the issues are not always the same. On-going experiences can be helpful to understand better these phenomena. The article focuses on peri-urban agricultural parks in Europe particularly in Italy and Spain. We review the definition of agricultural park, taking account of the stakeholders involved, the resources mobilized and the management tools used to define the common points among these projects. The aim is to identify guidelines for the implementation and governance of urban agricultural parks in other contexts (Giulia Giacché) 30 Oct 2024
  • [hal-04759798] Economic analysis of the traditional cultural vineyard landscapes in Italy

    The Traditional Cultural Landscapes (TCLs) have been studied from different points of view since the pioneering work of Antrop (1997). The aim of this study is to analyze the TCLs from a bottom-up perspective, focussing on the internal organization of a number of farms and looking at technical and economical characteristics, and also at social and cultural aspects. The focus is on Traditional Cultural Vineyard Landscape (TCVL) because the viticulture sector is the one most integrated with the kind of tourism that is interested in quality food products associated with a specific place of origin, and also the sector that, more than others, has responded to market changes by increasing the appeal of their products. Accordingly, the economic performance of three Italian winemaking farms was analyzed by means of cost-based method to explore: the cost of restoring a TCVL; the cost of producing the grape and the wine; the economic profitability of the investment in the TCVL; the relationship between entrepreneurial strategies and the use of landscape in a functional perspective. The positive financial results achieved by these farms in different part of Italy suggest that the financial success or failure of an investment in landscape is not determined by the socio-economic context but by the ability of the farm to differentiate its product, gaining a competitive advantage by offering customers greater value. The key issue is not the contrast between those who support the costs of landscape preservation (vineyard owners) and those who reap its benefits (the community as a whole), but rather in the way in which the added value resulting from preservation of the landscape is being obtained and distributed. The results demonstrates that landscape preservation can be a driving force for improvements in farm management and farm income but it is still necessary enlarge the duty to contribute to their preservation improving government measures for the restoration and preservation of the TCLs, and consumer awareness about the importance of products from these areas with TCLs. (Biancamaria Torquati) 30 Oct 2024
  • [hal-04759742] Cultivating changes: Urban Agriculture as a tool for socio-spatial transformation

    Urban gardening initiatives have evolved from their original purpose of food production to assume aesthetic, recreational, educational, social, or therapeutic functions. The general objective of this paper was to determine the new socio-spatial configuration into which these experiences have been implemented, in order to determine the diversity of actors involved in urban agriculture (UA) within the municipality of Perugia. Secondary objectives were to explore the social and environmental capital produced and to indicate orientations and suggestions to enhance the impact of UA within the city. The survey, conducted during 2015 and 2016, focused on seven UA initiatives or projects and demonstrated that there is an increasing social demand for the reintegration of agriculture within urban areas. At the same time, there is a lack of coordination be-tween the different initiatives, plans, and programmes to enhance these projects. It is necessary to take advantage of the intense activity, creativity, ideas, and actors involved in UA to improve the connections and synergy to implement these initiatives. Furthermore, we show that the municipality could develop and implement specific tools and devices to allow institutions, private citizens, associations, and farmers to operate in more synergistic and efficient ways (Giulia Giacche) 30 Oct 2024
  • [hal-04759724] Business models in urban farming: A comparative analysis of case studies from Spain, Italy and Germany

    Abstract The “Urban Agriculture Europe” EU COST-Action (2012–2016) has shown that the complexity of urban agriculture (UA) is hardly compressible into classic business management models and has proposed new management models, such as the Business Model Canvas (BMC). Business models of UA have to be different from rural ones. In particular, factors such as differentiation and diversification, but also low cost-oriented specialisation, are characteristic and necessary business models for UA to stay profitable in the long term under challenging city conditions. This paper aims to highlight how farm enterprises have to adjust to urban conditions by stepping into appropriate business models aiming to stay competitive and profitable, and how the BMC is useful to analyse their organisation and performance, both economically and socially. The paper offers an inter-regional analysis of UA enterprises located in Spain, Italy, and Germany, which are further subdivided into: local food, leisure, educational, social, therapeutic, agri-environmental, cultural heritage and experimental farms. The analysis demonstrates that UA is differentially adjusted to specific urban conditions and that the BMC is useful for analysing urban farming. Heterogeneous local food farms and the integration of local and organic food production in social farming business models are most frequent in our case studies. (Bernd Pölling) 30 Oct 2024
  • [hal-03708067] Une analyse des variations spatio-temporelles de l'exposition individuelle à la pollution de l'air en Île-de-France à partir de micro-capteurs

    La qualité de l’air est un sujet majeur des politiques urbaines, qui mettent en place des appareils de mesure réglementaires et des outils de modélisation à fine échelle pour assurer la surveillance de la pollution de l’air ambiant. L’usage récent d’équipements mobiles et connectés apporte un complément très précieux à ces dispositifs, permettant de démultiplier les observations et d’offrir des données indicatives en temps réel sur l’exposition individuelle dans tous les environnements. Cet article analyse l’exposition individuelle aux polluants NO2, PM2.5 et Black Carbon (BC) en s’appuyant sur des relevés de micro-capteurs géolocalisés et embarqués par quatre-vingt-huit participants volontaires de deux cohortes en Île-de-France. Cette démarche est complétée par des entretiens avec huit des participants des cohortes et dix acteurs institutionnels. Nos résultats révèlent de fortes variations des expositions selon le polluant, en fonction des microenvironnements fréquentés (domicile, travail, transports, autres lieux), des modes de transport et de certaines activités quotidiennes. Outre les navettes domicile-travail, cet article souligne une exposition additionnelle, notamment aux PM2.5 durant les week-end, au sein et lors de déplacements vers les microenvironnements "autres lieux" regroupant des espaces intérieurs et extérieurs dédiés au temps-libre. Des pics de concentration de polluants lors de déplacements d’individus par tramway et en vélo sont interprétés dans leurs contextes spécifiques. Une analyse synthétique de l'ensemble de nos résultats montre que les comportements de mobilités et l'intensité de l'exposition dans certains microenvironnements méritent une attention particulière du point de vue de la qualité de l'air. (Nabil Touili) 09 Mar 2023
  • [hal-03838586] Design theory to better target public health priorities: An application to Lyme disease in France

    In the context of complex public health challenges led by interdependent changes such as climate change, biodiversity loss and resistance to treatment, it is important to mobilize methods that guide us to generate innovative interventions in a context of uncertainty and unknowns. Here, we mobilized the Concept-Knowledge (CK) design theory to identify innovative, cross-sectoral and cross-disciplinary research and design programs that address the challenges posed by tick-borne Lyme disease in France, which is of growing importance in the French public health and healthcare systems. Within the CK methodological framework, we developed an iterative approach based on literature analysis, expert interviews, analysis of research projects and work with CK experts to contribute to design “an action plan against Lyme disease”. We produced a CK diagram that highlights innovative concepts that could be addressed in research projects within four directions: (i) effectiveness and (ii) environmental sustainability in prevention actions; (iii) the promotion of constructive involvement of citizens in Lyme challenges; (iv) the development of care protocols for chronic conditions with unknown diagnosis. Altogether, our analysis questioned the health global objectives from population to ecosystem, the citizen involvement and the patient consideration. This means integrating social and ecological science from the start as well as multidisciplinary medical patient journey. CK theory is a promising frame to assist public health professionals in designing programs for complex yet urgent contexts, where research and data collection are still not sufficient to provide clear guidance. (Gwenaël Vourc’h) 07 Nov 2022
  • [hal-04659205] Entretien avec Dr Awa Ba, Enseignante-Chercheure au Sénégal, spécialiste de l’agriculture urbaine

    Le 12 juin 2024, dans le cadre de la réalisation de ce numéro de Territoires en Mouvement, consacré aux Agricultures urbaines au Nord et au Sud, et également dans la perspective de la tenue des Journées Internationales Francophones de l'Agriculture Urbaine (JIFAU), en 2025 à Dakar au Sénégal, les autrices (Giulia Giacchè, Joëlle Salomon Cavin et Christine Aubry) ont souhaité réaliser un entretien avec Awa Ba, une chercheuse sénégalaise spécialiste de l’agriculture urbaine. Elle mène actuellement une recherche dressant le bilan de 20 ans de recherches sur l’agriculture urbaine en Afrique de l’Ouest francophone et à Madagascar. Cet entretien revient sur son parcours, les origines et les principaux enseignements qu’elle tire de cette recherche. (Awa Ba) 31 Jul 2024
  • [hal-03006709] Les sols (péri)urbains à l’épreuve du discours sur le primat du local

    L’engouement pour les circuits courts et de proximité pose la question de l’écologisation dessystèmes agri-alimentaires. En ce sens, la qualité des végétaux cultivés sur les sols (péri)urbainsinterroge la société du risque et l’évaluation controversée qui en est faite. On assiste alors à unelutte de cadrages cognitifs et politiques par rapport à cette dialectique de production de savoirs/ignorance sur les sols (péri)urbains. Plus encore, au nom du développement des cultures dans lesol urbain, on favorise paradoxalement le hors-sol, lequel soulève de nombreux questionnementssur le plan technique, anthropologique et politique. À partir d’enquêtes menées depuis plusieursannées, nous interrogeons dans cet article les mécanismes complexes qui produisent l’ignorancesur un nouvel objet émergent, à savoir le sol urbain nourricier valorisé au nom du primat dulocal. (Elisabeth Rémy) 16 Nov 2020
  • [halshs-03925983] Repenser l’entreprise de l’ESS à l’aune de la RSE et de la loi Pacte

    Depuis les dérives de la financiarisation des entreprises, la mission de l’entreprise évolue pour tenter de mieux prendre en compte les impacts liés à son activité. La loi de 2014 relative à l’ESS dénotait déjà une reconnaissance et un intérêt pour les entreprises reposant sur une logique autre que la seule rémunération des actionnaires. Désormais, les structures soucieuses de montrer leur engagement sociétal ont le choix d’opter pour un statut d’entreprise de l’ESS, de s’inscrire dans une démarche de responsabilité sociétale des entreprises (RSE) ou de se doter d’une raison d’être (loi Pacte). Dès lors, dans ce contexte, quels sont la place, le sens et l’avenir de l’entreprise d’ESS ? Cet article caractérise les relations entre ces différentes approches et modèles de la responsabilité sociétale, en vue d’en déterminer les convergences et singularités. (Éric Bidet) 05 Jan 2023
  • [hal-04320187] Developing ergonomic practices: From companies to territories

    The six articles published in this special section of WORK stem from a symposium held during the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) 2021 conference, titled 'Developing ergonomic practices to address sustainability issues: From companies to territories' 1. All authors are therefore concerned with sustainability and sustainable development issues. However, we have chosen to focus this section on the links between work and 'territory'. The symposium papers and the ensuing debates demonstrated the relevance of 'territory' as a scale of analysis and action, given its links with human work. Nevertheless, the conceptualization of this scale, the ways in which it should be analysed, and the forms of action associated with it are far from being stabilized and taken into account in the discipline. Let us begin with this idea of the territory as the scale of analysis and action. Ergonomics has overwhelmingly developed within companies. The analyses carried out in the discipline, just like the methods of action implemented, are to a very large extent anchored within productive organizations: their workstations, spaces, rhythms, technologies, and forms of organization. Several factors justify (Pascal P. Beguin) 04 Dec 2023
  • [hal-03765989] Adaptation of vegetable farmers to climate change in the Parisian region: a participatory approach using climate data

    For vegetable farmers, climate change brings many issues and its impacts may vary by regions and crops. The objective of our exploratory study was to develop a participatory process to investigate collectively with vegetable farmers their priorities and needs to adapt to climate change based on climate data relevant to them. Our work relied on an iterative process involving workshops with agricultural experts and vegetable farmers on 3 contrasting territories of the Parisian Region and climate projections using DRIAS (Data on French Regionalized climate scenarios and Impacts on the environment and Adaptation of Societies). We first identified the relevant climate factors and thresholds to which specific vegetables are particularly sensitive. Simulations, downscaled at the local level (8*8km area) of the relevant climate factors were provided and discussed with farmers. This allowed us to refine the main climate factors that were judged relevant by farmers to support their strategic thinking about adaptation to climate change. This climate factors were presented at the temporal scales judged relevant by farmers: (i) comparison of reference years of the past 1990-2020, near future 2020-2040, far future 2040-2060, (ii) seasonal scale (winter, spring, summer, autumn). This information, explained to farmers on short videos, was used to carry out an online survey in order to identify the future actions to prioritize to adapt vegetable production to climate change from farmers' perspective in terms of practice exchanges between farmers, training, experimentation, public policy (work in progress). As interactions with farmers showed a strong concern about water use, a dedicated collective workshop will be organized in autumn 2022, combining (i) projections of water availability in the region, (ii) modelling of increased water needs by farmers, (iii) involvement of local authorities to discuss water regulations and governance. To our knowledge, this study is the first attempt to involve vegetable farmers in a collective participatory process about adaptation to climate change based on climate projections with indicators and temporal scales relevant to their specific needs. (Nabil Touili) 31 Aug 2022
  • [hal-03134238] Policy directions to support generational renewal in European farming systems

    Sufficient generational renewal is an important contributor to resilient farming systems but across the EU there is widespread concern over the so-called 'young farmer problem'. This article recommends several policy areas to support generational renewal. The first need is to clearly define the exact generational renewal challenge, since available data provide no clear-cut evidence of an existing young farmer problem that is uniform across the EU. Second, while current policies seem effective in supporting the farm transfer process and providing aid during the early career phase of farmers, they lack targeting of the stage preceding farm take-over, during which possible entrants develop a successor identity. Increasing the attractiveness of farming as both an occupational and a lifestyle choice appears to be important in stimulating entry into farming. Third, policymakers should give high priority to facilitating access to land and labour, and to accommodating the capital-intensive nature of farming. Fourth, a mix of policies at different levels and domains that coherently contribute to the achievement of predefined goals regarding generational renewal is needed. Fifth, support for farm-specific advice and personal coaching holds underexploited potential for addressing the specificity of on-farm challenges regarding generational renewal. (Isabeau Coopmans) 08 Feb 2021
  • [hal-01197983] Empirical analysis of co-existence in commodity supply chains

    In this chapter, we analyse the organization of different supply chains and identify sensitive points and processes with respect to GMO and non-GMO admixture. We also study traceability measures. The analysis looks at seven commodity supply chains in countries both inside and outside the EU: soybean, maize, sugar beet, rapeseed, wheat, fresh tomato, and potatoes. The empirical analysis of coexistence was derived from supply chain analysis and stakeholder interviews. We briefly outline the methodology and clearly define segregation, identity preservation, and traceability. Strategies to cope with supply chain coexistence can be adapted from existing traceability and segregation systems in other domains. Therefore, we describe and compare several relevant case studies: Flint maize in Argentina, non-GM maize for starch production in France, and soybean production and use in chicken feed in Argentina and Brazil. We discuss different tools and prerequisites, strengths, and weaknesses of the alternate strategies that can be used to cope with coexistence. Furthermore, we highlight the differences between strategies adopted by the food and feed supply chains. (N. Gryson) 11 Sep 2015
  • [hal-01197946] Strategies for coexistence of GM and non.GM soy from import to feed processing

    Regulations 1829/2003/CE and 1830/2003/CE have allowed the placing on the European market of GM productsin food and feed chains, and have defined their rules of traceability and labeling. For some supply chains, like forsoy and its derived products that are used in the production of feed, manufacturers have to face both non-GMand GM production, although there are no labeling requirements for animal products derived from animals fedwith GMOs. This study presents the strategies of stakeholders involved in the feed production chain to maintainconcurrent production of compound feed with GM and non-GM soy products, by dealing with the coexistencebetween those two crops. The stakeholders include importers, traders, soy processors, feed processors andretailers. The study shows that many tools are in place to ensure andmaintain the current coexistence. However,a profound harmonization of procedures and methods at a European level should be encouraged. (Nicolas Gryson) 11 Sep 2015
  • [hal-04065668] Understanding farm generational renewal and its influencing factors in Europe

    Understanding the complex process of generational renewal (GR) in agriculture is essential for supporting the continuation of farming. This paper demonstrates how multiple factors, simultaneously and through their mutual interactions, influence GR and related individual decision-making processes. Results originated from 155 indepth interviews performed on 85 farms in eleven European regions, and were triangulated with the literature. Our analysis, combining inductive and deductive approaches, revealed three conceptual phases (successor identity formation, farm succession process, and farm development) and fourteen factors important to understand GR. We elaborate how these factors interact, hence exert their impact on (one of) the phases in a complex and variable way. Implications highlight potential pitfalls and opportunities for attracting people into agriculture. Although policy-makers should be aware of their limited ability to affect GR by targeting the first phase, we propose some ideas that would complement current existing measures acting on the third phase. (Isabeau Coopmans) 12 Apr 2023
  • [hal-04157386] Updating the association between socioeconomic status and obesity in low‐income and lower‐middle‐income sub‐Saharan African countries: A literature review

    Globally, the literature tends to emphasize negative associations between socioeconomic status (SES) and bodyweight in countries improving their economic development. However, little is known about the social distribution of obesity in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) where economic growth has been highly heterogeneous the last decades. This paper reviews an exhaustive set of recent empirical studies examining its association in low-income and lower-middle-income countries in SSA. Although there is evidence of a positive association between SES and obesity in low-income countries, we found mixed associations in lower-middle-income countries, potentially providing evidence of a social reversal of the obesity burden. (Bertille Daran) 10 Jul 2023
  • [hal-02392165] Mélanges variétaux et mélanges plurispécifiques – atouts et contraintes

    Pour réduire les impacts négatifs des systèmes agricoles, la transition agroécologique appelle en premier lieu à l’utilisation d’une plus grande biodiversité cultivée. Une telle diversification peut être conduite à l'échelle de la parcelle, en associant différentes espèces, ou différentes variétés d'une même espèce. Nous abordons les avantages de cette diversification intra-parcellaire, en développant 5 exemples : (1) les mélanges variétaux de blé en France, (2) les populations de riz au YuanYang, (3) le colza associé à des plantes de services, (4) les mélanges d’espèces fourragères et (5) les associations céréales-légumineuses à graines. Nous discutons des avantages conférés par cette diversification sur : (i) l’optimisation et la stabilisation des productions, (ii) les interactions avec les pratiques culturales, (iii) la sélection variétale, et (iv) l’impact de ces peuplements et pratiques sur la biodiversité sauvage associée. (Jerome Enjalbert) 03 Dec 2019
  • [hal-03275149] What drives competition on the farmland market? A case study in Brittany (France)

    We investigate factors which may drive the number of agents who compete for a specific piece of farmland in the French region of Brittany by fitting count models to data originating from a local committee, the CDOA, which is responsible for guidance in delivering the necessary “authorisations to farm”. Results are analysed in the light of a conceptual framework which provides an explanation why the subset of farmers who actually apply for an authorisation to farm may differ from the whole set of potential applicants. Several results reflect the impact of an informal mediation by local farmer unions, which aims to lower potential conflicts and hence competition. (Laurent Piet) 30 Jun 2021
  • [hal-04394101] Exposition professionnelle aux médicaments anticancéreux : vers la prise en compte de l’activité pour repenser les actions de prévention

    Malgré les efforts réalisés en prévention pour réduire l’exposition professionnelle aux médicaments anticancéreux (MAC), ce problème reste d’actualité. La littérature à ce sujet pointe le besoin de caractériser et d’évaluer les risques et les dangers et de former les professionnels. Grâce à l’ergotoxicologie, mêlant des prélèvements d’essuyages de mains et des entretiens d’autoconfrontation, nous chercherons à savoir comment la poly-exposition et les moyens de protection associés se manifestent dans l’activité des soignants. Les essuyages de mains, réalisés avant/après des actions déterminées comme potentiellement exposantes, montrent la présence de MAC sur l’ensemble des prélèvements (n = 20). La molécule manipulée le jour du prélèvement ne se retrouve que sur 25 % des prélèvements. Deux prélèvements (sur 9) montrent une augmentation du niveau de contamination des mains après une action potentiellement exposante. Les données d’entretiens montrent que malgré le manque de formation, les soignants sont capables d’identifier des sources et des espaces d’exposition potentielle. Nos résultats ne montrent qu’une partie de l’énigme de l’exposition aux MAC et ne permettent pas, encore, de la caractériser. Néanmoins, ils montrent des déterminants de la contamination à différents niveaux de l’activité qu’il reste à approfondir. Aussi, nos résultats nous laissent penser que, par nos méthodes, les soignants sont rentrés dans une « zone potentielle de développement », où une partie de leurs connaissances sur les risques biologiques pourraient leur servir de ressources pour mieux gérer le risque chimique et penser une prévention propre aux spécificités des MAC. En effet, au vu, des voies d’exposition et des modes de transmission des contaminations aux risques biologiques, les actions de protection développées pour ce risque pourraient permettre l’élaboration d’une nouvelle forme d’intervention pour les MAC. Cette dernière considèrerait les soignants comme agissant face aux poly-expositions et producteurs de leurs actions de protection, qui vont au-delà des équipements de protection prescrits. (V. Lamarque) 15 Jan 2024
  • [hal-02791628] Agricultures Urbaines de leur connaissance à leur mise en œuvre dans les territoires : une proposition méthodologique

    [...] (Christine Aubry) 05 Jun 2020
  • [hal-01815474] New indices for rapid assessment of pollination services based on crop yield data: France as a case study

    Local studies indicate that animal pollination is essential for crop productivity, but its effectiveness and temporal stability vary broadly across regions. However, there is no simple and rapid method to assess the pollination services over large areas. Here, we introduce two new indices to measure pollination services and its temporal stability in farmland, the Pollination Services Index and the index of Temporal Variation in Pollination Services, that only require readily available data, namely crop yield and crop pollinator dependence. The philosophy of these indices is to compare at a given site the standardized yield, or the temporal variation in yield, among crops that have different levels of dependence on animal pollinators for their production. We expect that where there is a shortage of pollinators, standardized crop yields should decrease, and temporal variation in crop yields should increase, with increasing dependence on pollinators. The Pollination Services Index in a given area is thus defined as the slope of the linear regression between standardized crop yield and crop pollinator dependence; the Temporal Variation in Pollination Services is defined as the slope of the linear regression between the inter-annual coefficient of variation of crop yield and crop pollinator dependence. We calculated these two indices in France, where we show extensive spatial variation in the estimated pollination services. We further show that this variation in the Pollination Services Index is negatively correlated with the index of Temporal Variation in Pollination Services, and positively correlated with habitat quality for pollinators. At a spatial resolution of administrative departments (ca. 5,800 km2), the results show that intensive farming is positively correlated with higher Temporal Variation in Pollination Services but is not significantly associated with the Pollination Services Index, probably due to multicollinearity issues. Despite some limitations that deserve further attention, these indices may constitute promising, cost-effective tools to highlight regions of pollination deficit over large areas. (Gabrielle Martin) 09 Jul 2019
  • [hal-04311761] Approche globale des éthiques dans les relations sociétés/nature

    3 priorités scientifiques à aborder d'ici 2030 : Accroître la réflexivité sur les pratiques de recherche dans les laboratoires dans une démarche collective, ce qui exige du temps et des espaces de délibération dédiés. Utiliser les éthiques environnementales non pas au service de la résolution de conflits entre les humains et la nature, mais comme des aiguillons critiques pour réexaminer les pratiques sous un angle moins anthropocentré et plus sensible aux enjeux de justices sociale et écologique. Repenser l’arbitrage entre protection de la nature et protection des humains dans une démarche plus inclusive (Rémi Beau) 28 Nov 2023
  • [hal-02900435] Solutions for a Win-Win Partnership between Agriculture and Biodiversity

    Biodiversity sustains key functions of the agro-ecosystem in support of food production. In Europe, an estimated 50 percent of all bird species (~450 sp.) depend on farmland habitats for breeding and feeding. The mutual dependence between biodiversity and farming requires solutions for a win-win partnership. A team of ecologists, agronomists, economists, and mathematicians recently developed a new framework model that explores management strategies aimed at reconciling farming and biodiversity in Europe. (Lauriane Mouysset) 16 Jul 2020
  • [hal-03881914] Six novel interdisciplinary resilience principles emerging from interdisciplinary exchange around post-COVID-19 centres and peripheries

    [...] (Meredith Root-Bernstein) 02 Dec 2022
  • [hal-02945862] AGRIBIRDS - Concevoir et diffuser des indicateurs « Oiseaux » pour les acteurs du monde agricole.

    Le projet AgriBirds avait pour objectif de mettre à disposition des acteurs agricoles des ressources pour les aider à mettre en place des suivis d'oiseaux dans les espaces agricoles. Ces derniers sont considérés comme indicateur de réponse aux questions qu’ils se posent sur les effets de leurs territoires, leurs pratiques et leurs aménagements. Une première étape d’identification d’un ensemble de questions agricoles pour lesquelles les oiseaux pouvaient être mobilisés comme indicateurs agroécologiques a été réalisée avec les partenaires du projet et des agriculteurs. Différentes méthodes de suivi de l’avifaune pouvant contribuer à répondre à certaines de ces questions ont été testées conjointement par des agriculteurs testeurs et des ornithologues, sur une trentaine exploitations. Ces tests ont permis d’appréhender la capacité pour un non-ornithologue de faire ces suivis, la perte d’informations par rapport à un expert et la capacité d’apprentissage de l’agriculteur. Le projet a montré qu’une difficulté majeure à la mise en œuvre de suivis de l’avifaune par des acteurs agricoles non spécialistes porte sur la capacité à reconnaître les espèces d’oiseaux, notamment par les chants. Cette difficulté peut toutefois être partiellement levée en s’intéressant à un petit nombre d’espèces, facilement reconnaissables. Malgré cette difficulté, la grande majorité des agriculteurs testeurs tire un bilan positif du dispositif mis en place. Les retours des participants montrent que les questionnements sur l’oiseau en tant qu’indicateur de suivi se sont affinés au cours du projet. Ces évolutions sont principalement associées aux interactions riches entre agriculteurs, ornithologues et animateurs du dispositif lors des phases de test. Ces retours d’expérience ainsi que les nombreux matériaux élaborés au cours de ce projet ont été regroupés au sein d’un site web, élaboré avec les partenaires du projet (Aude Barbottin) 22 Sep 2020
  • [hal-04481348] An interdisciplinary approach to increase wheat within-field diversity and promote agro-ecosystem services

    One major challenge for increasing agriculture sustainability is to better mobilize crop genetic diversity, as prone by agroecology. A simple way to increase within-field diversity is to use cultivar mixtures, and this has been successfully applied to a few crops in the past. Despite numerous scientific papers documeting the value of cultivar mixtures in wheat and other cereals, especially to control diseases, their cultivation has remained marginal throughout the world. To understand the origin of this gap between scientific knowledge and agricultural practices, the French project Wheatamix explored the synergies mobilized by cultivar mixtures, their impact on various ecosystem services, and their potential to reinforce the sustainability, resilience, and multi-functionality of agriculture. It focused on the agro-ecological and socio-economic impacts of variety associations at different scales, from the plant level up to the wheat supply chain. The project aims at developing new blending and breeding methods to design performing mixtures. To understand how plant-to-plant interactions shape wheat mixtures performances, Wheatamix has set five objectives: 1) describe the variability of morphological and ecological traits in a panel of 57 varieties; 2) explore variability by blending 16 contrasted varieties from the panel into 72 mixtures, composed of 2, 4, and 8 components; 3) study the ecosystem services provided; 4) assess the technical and economic performances in farmer conditions; 5) evaluate the impact of cultivar mixtures on the wheat supply chain. To achieve these goals, this project has developed an interdisciplinary approach, mobilizing agronomy, ecology, economics, ecophysiology, epidemiology, genetics, and management sciences. The project brought together scientists from 10 labs, as well as agricultural advisers and farmers from 6 French counties. The project first described the functional diversity of 57 varieties, highlighting the effects of modern breeding on trait variability, that lowered variability of traits subject to direct selection, and impacted both plant architecture, physiological traits as nutrient absorption, but also trade-off between traits. Wheatamix then surveyed how variation in mixture diversity impacted wild communities. A first result highlighted the low abundance of macro-organisms in this experiment: no relationship was found between the number of varieties in a mixture and the diversity/abundance of earthworms, weeds, mycorrhizae, springtails, beetles, nematodes. However, a significant effect of mixture diversity on the abundance of some spiders, and on nitrifying bacteria, was observed. Coming to ecosystem services, disease regulation (rust and septoria) has been confirmed as the most strongly and positively affected by varietal associations, raising also the strong effects of architectural variability of the canopy (septoria). Diversity also contributed to higher predation rates on aphids. Lastly, soil nitrification and denitrification activities were significantly affected by mixture diversity on 4 surveyed sites, contributing to a shift in plant nutrition and positive effect of greenhouse gas emission. Co-design of variety mixtures was carried out with farmers, technical advisers, and scientists. For three years, 30 farmers in the Paris basin proposed varietal blends and measured their performance on their farms. This exchange first highlighted that the first goals for farmers was to i) secure their production ii) simplify plot management. Then co-design workshops allowed to propose assembly rules and design mixtures, resulting in a wide diversity of sown mixtures. Field trials revealed that in more than 70% of the cases, the mixture had a higher yield than the mean of its components. This work highlighted farmers needs and resulted in a Multicriteria Evaluation Tool, helping farmers and advisers to design mixtures. The survey of the wheat supply chain finally highlighted the need for a concerted innovation among the various actors. Finally, Wheatamix also developed new statistical method to infer mixing ability, allowing both to blend the best mixers, and also to propose new breeding methods. Coupling various disciplines and approaches, such as ecophysiological modeling of plant competition (FSPM WALTer), field and controlled experiments, theoretical framework in ecology (sampling vs complementarity effects, functional traits and tradeoff), and mixture co-design and surveys with stakeholders, Wheatamix has allowed to understand the interest of cultivar mixtures for farmers. Wheat cultivar mixtures are experiencing an exponential growth: they only represented 2% of bread wheat sown in 2010, and are presently at 8%, raking at the first position on the cultivar list. Wheatamix emphasizes the need for an interdisciplinary approach when addressing agroecological subjects, and illustrates the strong mutual benefices between agronomic and ecological sciences. (Jérôme Enjalbert) 28 Feb 2024
  • [hal-02116373] Urban ecology, stakeholders and the future of ecology

    The world human population is more and more urban and cities have a strong impact on the biosphere. This explains the development of urban ecology. In this context, the goal of our work is fourfold: to describe the diversity of scientific questions in urban ecology, show how these questions are organized, to assess how these questions can be built in close interactions with stakeholders, to better understand the role urban ecology can play within ecological sciences. A workshop with scientists from all relevant fields (from ecology to sociology) and stakeholders was organized by the Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (FRB). Three types of scientific issues were outlined about (1) the biodiversity of organisms living in urban areas, (2) the functioning of urban organisms and ecosystems, (3) interactions between human societies and urban ecological systems. For all types of issues we outlined it was possible to distinguish both fundamental and applied scientific questions. This allowed building a unique research agenda encompassing all possible types of scientific issues in urban ecology. As all types of ecological and evolutionary questions can be asked in urban areas, urban ecology will likely be more and more influential in the development of ecology. Taken together, the future of towns, their biodiversity and the life of city dwellers is at stake. Increasing the space for ecosystems and biodiversity within towns is more and more viewed as crucial for the well-being of town dwellers. Depending on research and the way its results are taken into account, very different towns could emerge. Urban areas can be viewed as a test and a laboratory for the future of the interactions between human and ecological systems. (Sébastien Barot) 03 Jul 2019
  • [hal-01634656] Contrasting bird communities along production gradients of crops and livestock in French farmlands

    Impacts on birds of intensive management practices and of landscape simplification have been widely studied, but there is a lack of knowledge about impacts on birds of landscapes associated with intensive livestock production. The objective of this work was to investigate changes in several bird community descriptors along different production gradients. Production of arable crops and from grazing livestock was computed over French agroecosystems and expressed in terms of edible energy. Using data from the French Breeding Bird Survey along with data from national agricultural statistics, we modeled the relationship between production and five bird community descriptors, namely, community trophic index, community specialization index, and three group-specific species richness indices. Bird communities were shaped by two production gradients. Along a gradient of increasing crop production, we observed a shift from locally species-diverse communities dominated by gen-eralist or grassland specialist species towards species-poor communities dominated by granivorous species specialized in arable habitats (all p-values ≤ 0.002). Second, we observed a shift towards homogenized communities dominated by generalists along a gradient of increasing livestock production (p-values ≤ 0.001). Our research highlights the need to consider crop and livestock separately when investigating their impacts on biodiversity. It also hints towards the need for differentiated strategies to protect farmland birds in crop regions and in livestock regions. (Camille Dross) 14 Nov 2017
  • [hal-03438899] Orientations toward ‘people’ and ‘things’ are associated with nature connectedness in a representative sample of the French adult population

    Identifying the determinants of people's connection with nature is crucial for the future of nature conservation. The sense of connection with nature may be defined as how one relates to the natural world or sees oneself as part of it. A part of this connection is related to what is called "Environmental Identity", which begins to form early in life under the influence of experiences with nature. Differentiated traits of appreciation of one's "environments"-defined as the things, places, and people surrounding individuals throughout their lifetime-have been described in psychological studies on personality. Theorized as "General Orientations," these consist of specific forms of selectivity in individuals' attention, which differs from their values and encourages them to respond to certain stimuli in a specific way. The literature describes two general orientations, namely toward the social environment or "people" (PO) and toward the physical environment or "things" (TO). Despite the potential contributions of PO and TO for the study of nature connectedness, few attempts have been made to explore how these dimensions interrelate. Here, we analyzed survey responses from the ELIPSS panel, a representative sample of the French adult metropolitan population (N=1788), to test the hypothesis that General Orientations, especially PO, as a personality-like trait are related to higher EID. We found that PO and TO were positively correlated with EID (strongly and moderately, respectively), and appeared to mediate the association between gender and EID. These findings raise the question as to whether General Orientations correspond to different ways of building connections with nature. (Anne-Claire Maurice) 04 Dec 2022
  • [hal-03891302] Un scénario post-métropolitain pour le bassin de la Seine. Quelle co-évolution des systèmes alimentaires et territoriaux ?

    Face aux changements environnementaux extrêmes auxquels le bassin de la Seine, comme d’autres territoires, est confronté, il devient nécessaire d’envisager des scénarios de rupture, sortant d’une logique d’adaptation telle qu’elle est aujourd’hui déclinée, notamment dans les politiques publiques. Le scénario « post-métropolisation » s’inscrit dans cette perspective. Il envisage une adaptation systémique au changement climatique, à la raréfaction des ressources énergétiques et à la nécessité de restaurer la biodiversité par un changement radical de modèle politique. La sortie d’une métropolisation devenue inadaptée aux crises climatiques et sociales débouche sur une organisation sociale post-métropolitaine structurée à l’échelle de biorégions mettant en oeuvre une économie sobre, qui se traduit dans l’organisation des établissements humains et son fonctionnement ainsi que dans un système alimentaire en grande partie relocalisé. (Sabine Barles) 09 Dec 2022
  • [hal-04619907] Recueil de projets d'expertise internationale à INRAE. Tome 2

    Ce document dit "Recueil de projets d’expertise internationale" complète un premier volume édité en 2021 sur le même type d’activité ( Depuis la création en 2020 de la Direction Générale Déléguée à l’Expertise et l’Appui aux Politiques Publiques (DGDEAPP) il est souligné dans les échanges internes l’importance de mieux connaître, comprendre et "donner à voir" ce que recouvrent ces activités et les produits qui les caractérisent. L’Expertise-projet internationale (EPI) a été définie à travers une note de cadrage élaborée via un groupe d’experts référents. Cette note est accessible sur l’intranet de la DAPP. Au-delà de ce cadrage institutionnel, il semble important et opportun de partager les expériences concrètes, ainsi que la diversité des projets menés par les chercheurs sur cette activité. C’est le but de ce recueil que d’illustrer cette multitude de situations et d’expériences. Ainsi ce document rassemble une quarantaine de projets menés dans plus de 30 pays à travers le monde. On découvre à travers ce recueil un grand nombre d’organisations internationales commanditaires (bailleurs de l’expertise) allant de l’AFD, la FAO, le FIDA, La Banque Mondiale, l’Union Européenne (AEE, JRC), plusieurs agences onusiennes (OMS, PNUD, OMM, UNEP, GEF), l’OCDE, mais aussi des cabinets privés qui font appel à l’expertise scientifique des chercheurs de l’établissement. On y découvre également une grande diversité thématique qu’il est impossible de décrire sans en oublier mais qui vont de la sécurité sanitaire des aliments, des innovations institutionnelles pour une agriculture durable, des dispositifs d’alerte précoce pour prévenir les inondations (CREWS), la valorisation des eaux usées (REUSE), l’économie de la déforestation, les méthodes pour limiter l’impact de l’élevage (MRV), la robotique agricole, des méthodes et outils pour reconsidérer les inégalités, la pauvreté, les structures familiales etc. Si INRAE est aujourd’hui un acteur mondialement reconnu pour la réalisation de projets de recherche dimensionnant et de haut niveau, la montée en puissance des projets d’Expertise Internationale représente un nouveau vecteur de valorisation de ses savoir-faire en renforçant sa visibilité et sa notoriété. (Olga Chekhurska) 21 Jun 2024
  • [hal-04314568] Recycling wastes to mitigate trace elements contamination in plants : a new horizon for urban agriculture in polluted soils

    Urban agriculture development often faces the problem of soil pollution. Soil engineering consisting in the addition over polluted soils of a top layer made of recycled wastes is a promising solution. This study was co-constructed with urban farmers and aimed at testing in situ the feasibility of growing vegetables safe for consumption in substrates consisting of organic and inorganic waste, directly overlaying soil polluted by trace elements (TE). Two plants were tested: radishes and tomatoes. Three substrates were tested: 1) sheep manure mixed with composted ramial chipped wood (SHW); 2) biowaste compost mixed with mushroom compost and ramial chipped wood (BMW); and 3) deep excavated subsoils mixed with green waste compost (EXC). Only radishes grown in EXC presented levels of TE below the threshold values. For all the other cases, cadmium levels were above the threshold values. This result concerning plant contamination by TE is consistent with a contamination of SHW and BMW substrates by the polluted soil underneath. EXC contained lower TE content, suggesting that mineral materials limited the transfer from the polluted soil towards the substrate overlay. We concluded that adding a combination of mineral and organic waste on top of polluted soils may better mitigate vegetables contamination than adding only organic waste. However, this result was not observed for all tested vegetables. More research is needed to evaluate the best substrate candidate and its adequate thickness, to study its physico-chemical evolution over a longer period of time and to test a larger panel of vegetables. (Anne Barbillon) 29 Nov 2023
  • [hal-04672656] Building integrated plant health surveillance: a proactive research agenda for anticipating and mitigating disease and pest emergence

    In an era marked by rapid global changes, the reinforcement and modernization of plant health surveillance systems have become imperative. Sixty-five scientists present here a research agenda for an enhanced and modernized plant health surveillance to anticipate and mitigate disease and pest emergence. Our approach integrates a wide range of scientific fields (from life, social, physical and engineering sciences) and identifies the key knowledge gaps, focusing on anticipation, risk assessment, early detection, and multi-actor collaboration. The research directions we propose are organized around four complementary thematic axes. The first axis is the anticipation of pest emergence, encompassing innovative forecasting, adaptive potential, and the effects of climatic and cropping system changes. The second axis addresses the use of versatile broad-spectrum surveillance tools, including molecular or imaging diagnostics supported by artificial intelligence, and monitoring generic matrices such as air and water. The third axis focuses on surveillance of known pests from new perspectives, i.e., using novel approaches to detect known species but also anticipating and detecting, within a species, the populations or genotypes that pose a higher risk. The fourth axis advocates the management of plant health as a commons through the establishment of multi-actor and cooperative surveillance systems for long-term data-driven alert systems and information dissemination. We stress the importance of integrating data and information from multiple sources through open science databases and metadata, alongside developing methods for interpolating and extrapolating incomplete data. Finally, we advocate an Integrated Health Surveillance approach in the One Health context, favoring tailored and versatile solutions to plant health problems and recognizing the interconnected risks to the health of plants, humans, animals and the environment, including food insecurity, pesticide residues, environmental pollution and alterations of ecosystem services. (S. Soubeyrand) 26 Aug 2024
  • [hal-01872285] A N, P, C, and water flows metabolism study in a peri-urban territory in France: The case-study of the Saclay plateau

    Facing environmental issues, such as excess of nitrogen in the biosphere, water eutrophication, carbon emission in the atmosphere or hydrological impacts, peri-urban areas are not receiving as much attention as urban areas. In this research, we focus on a French peri-urban area in the Parisian region, the Saclay plateau. Following the territorial ecology approach, we consider this territory as a system organizing agricultural, food and waste flows, and we have analyzed the metabolism of this territory through its N, C, P and water flows. The results show first that the metabolism of the Saclay plateau is largely open, i.e. the main flows are input and output flows, and internal flows are small or nonexistent. This is particularly the case for nitrogen and phosphorus flows. The same findings hold for carbon flows although primary production and respiration play the major role in the carbon metabolism. Besides the uncertainty of the available data, water flows also reveal a clear uncoupling between compartments of the system. The analysis of these material flow budgets reveals the high potential for reconnections of the different flows, mainly due to the presence of large areas of agricultural land and a large population. Implementation of biowaste recovery, recovery of human excreta at source, as well as rain recovery systems, could help to realize this potential provided that environmental and sanitary risks can be effectively managed. Developing a foresight approach based on scenarios of territorial metabolism can assist in the building process of a territorial project in periurban areas. (Yoann Verger) 26 May 2020
  • [hal-03987549] Pour penser la territorialisation alimentaire, intégrer les inter-territorialités

    A partir de trois situations contrastées d’un grand quart nord-est de la France, nous questionnons la manière dont la territorialisation agri-alimentaire, en plus de renforcer une certaine reconnexion entre agriculture et alimentation, engage des liens multiples avec des territoires extérieurs plus ou moins proches. En analysant à la fois les dynamiques endogènes aux territoires, les formes d’articulation entre territoires et en envisageant l’enjeu de la reconnexion entre agriculture et alimentation à la fois dans ses dimensions matérielles et cognitives, nous montrons que la territorialisation se fonde sur la création de nouvelles inter-territorialités définies par des logiques et des systèmes de valeurs différents de ceux qui prévalent aujourd’hui. (Fabienne Barataud) 15 Feb 2023
  • [hal-03891470] Fiches TORSADES (TerritORialisation de Systèmes Agri-alimentaires DurablES) à l'échelle de trois territoires du quart nord-est de la France

    Considérant la nécessité de reconnecter une production agricole durable et la consommation alimentaire, le projet Torsades a pour objectif d’analyser les « contours » (modalités, impacts, contraintes et leviers) de cette reconnexion. Torsades centre son analyse sur l’échelle locale, au travers de trois territoires contrastés, représentatifs de trois types de situations d’un grand quart nord-est de la France : le périurbain de l’ouest parisien, la Brie dite « laitière » et l’ouest vosgien. Torsades propose une analyse englobante des systèmes alimentaires de ces territoires, qui conjugue les flux de matières échangés, la diversité et l’organisation spatiale des exploitations agricoles et de leurs circuits de commercialisation, les relations entre les acteurs de ces systèmes à l’échelle locale. Les fiches rassemblées dans cette pochette ont été conçues pour nourrir les réflexions et accompagner l'action de toutes celles et ceux qui s'engagent dans une transition agri-alimentaire dans les territoires. (Fabienne Barataud) 09 Dec 2022
  • [hal-02165760] Reviews and syntheses: influences of landscape structure and land uses on local to regional climate and air quality

    The atmosphere and the land surface interact in multiple ways, for instance through the radiative-energy balance , the water cycle or the emission and deposition of natural and anthropogenic compounds. By modifying the land surface, land use and land cover changes (LULCCs) and land management changes (LMCs) alter the physical, chemical , and biological processes of the biosphere and therefore all land-atmosphere interactions, from local to global scales. Through socioeconomic drivers and regulatory policies adopted at different levels (local, regional, national, or supranational), human activities strongly interfere in the land-atmosphere interactions, and those activities lead to a patchwork of natural, semi-natural, agricultural, urban, and semi-urban areas. In this context, urban and peri-urban areas , which have a high population density, are of particular attention since land transformation can lead to important environmental impacts and affect the health and life of millions of people. The objectives of this review are to synthesize the existing experimental and modelling works that investigate physical, chemical, and/or biogeochemical interactions between land surfaces and the atmosphere, therefore potentially impacting local/regional climate and air quality, mainly in urban or peri-urban landscapes at regional and local scales. The conclusions we draw from our synthesis are the following. (1) The adequate temporal and spatial description of land use and land management practices (e.g. areas concerned , type of crops, whether or not they are irrigated, quantity of fertilizers used and actual seasonality of application) necessary for including the effects of LMC in global and even more in regional climate models is inexistent (or very poor). Not taking into account these characteristics may bias the regional projections used for impact studies. (2) Land-atmosphere interactions are often specific to the case study analysed; therefore, one can hardly propose general solutions or recommendations. (3) Adaptation strategies, proposed after climatic impacts on the targeted resource have been derived , are often biased as they do not account for feedbacks on local/regional climate. (4) There is space for considering atmospheric chemistry, through land-atmosphere interactions , as a factor for land management, helping to maintain air quality and supporting ecosystem functioning. (5) There is a lack of an integrated tool, which includes the many different processes of importance in an operational model, to test different land use or land management scenarios at the scale of a territory. (Raia Silvia Massad) 26 Jun 2019
  • [hal-03228015] TORSADES : la reconnexion agriculture-alimentation à l'échelle de trois petits territoires

    Considérant la nécessité de reconnecter une production agricole durable et la consommation alimentaire, le projet TORSADES ambitionne d'analyser les modalités, les impacts, les contraintes et les leviers de cette reconnexion. Il se déploie à l'échelle de trois territoires contrastés (le périurbain de l'ouest parisien, la Brie laitière et l'ouest vosgien) où peuvent se mettre en place des initiatives de reconnexion spécifiques. Le projet propose alors une analyse englobante des systèmes alimentaires territoriaux, c'est-à-dire conjuguant le métabolisme des systèmes alimentaires exprimé sous forme de flux de matières, la diversité et l'organisation spatiale des exploitations agricoles et de leurs circuits de commercialisation, et les relations entre acteurs des systèmes alimentaires à l'échelle locale. (Gilles Billen) 17 May 2021
  • [hal-04183952] High fertilizing value but potentially high volatilization of urine based fertilizers

    Human urine contains nutrients that are mainly not recycled in agriculture. It can be collected through source separation and treated to produce "urine-based fertilizers" with various nutrient contents and physiochemical characteristics. We measured ammonia (NH3) volatilization after the application of several urine-based fertilizers under controlled conditions and of stored urine under field conditions. The nitrogen-use efficiency of four urine-based fertilizers (stored urine from a university, stored urine from a festival, fermented urine and nitrified concentrated urine) was compared under on-farm conditions with ammonium nitrate and bovine slurry in a specific experiment. Stored urine was also compared with ammonium nitrate and seven other organic fertilizers in different experiments under on-farm conditions. Nitrous oxide emissions after the application of two urine-based fertilizers were also measured. NH3 volatilization from stored urine was high (up to 34% of the total nitrogen under on-farm conditions) compared with the other urine-based fertilizers and ammonium nitrate. Urine-based fertilizers were characterized by a nitrogen fertilizer replacement value (NFRV) greater than 70% and higher than that of all other organic fertilizers used in the experiments (but not significantly different). These differences were mainly explained by the mineral nitrogen content of the fertilizers. The mean NFRV of stored urine over five experiments was 83% (significantly lower than 100%). Nitrous oxide emissions from stored urine, nitrified concentrated urine and ammonium nitrate were low. We concluded that urine-based fertilizers could replace mineral fertilizers if NH3 volatilization is limited. The constraints linked to the field application of a large volume call for further investigation. (Tristan Martin) 21 Aug 2023
  • [hal-02917623] Commentaires sur le projet de document consensus de l’OCDE sur les considérations environnementales relatives à l’évaluation des risques associé. Paris, le 23 mai 2018

    Le Haut Conseil des biotechnologies (HCB) a été sollicité le 4 avril 2018 par la direction générale de l’alimentation du ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation et par la direction générale de la prévention des risques du ministère de la Transition écologique et solidaire pour examiner et commenter le projet de document consensus de l’OCDE (version du 3 avril 2018) sur les considérations environnementales relatives à l’évaluation des risques associés à la dissémination de plantes génétiquement modifiées en vue de la réunion du groupe de travail de l’OCDE sur l’harmonisation de la surveillance réglementaire en biotechnologie les 21 et 22 juin 2018. Le Comité scientifique (CS)1 du HCB a examiné ce document en séance du 26 avril 2018 sous la présidence de Jean-Christophe Pagès. Les commentaires du CS du HCB à destination de l’OCDE, en version française et anglaise2, ont été validés par voie électronique et transmis aux autorités compétentes françaises le 23 mai 2018, et publiés après envoi à l’OCDE le 30 mai 2018. (. Comité Scientifique Du Haut Conseil Des Biotechnologies) 19 Aug 2020
  • [hal-03891939] Compte-rendu du séminaire de rencontre entre acteurs des trois territoires (27-28 septembre 2021), projet TORSADES (TerritORialisation de Systèmes Agri-alimentaires DurablES)

    Considérant la nécessité de reconnecter une production agricole durable et la consommation alimentaire, le projet Torsades a pour objectif d’analyser les « contours » (modalités, impacts, contraintes et leviers) de cette reconnexion. Torsades centre son analyse sur l’échelle locale, au travers de trois territoires contrastés, représentatifs de trois types de situations d’un grand quart nord-est de la France : le périurbain de l’ouest parisien, la Brie dite « laitière » et l’ouest vosgien. Au-delà du travail d’analyse des chercheuses et chercheurs, Torsades ambitionne de fournir des éléments de connaissances et des pistes de réflexion aux acteurs de terrain. Pour soutenir cette dynamique et échanger avec les acteurs, l’équipe du projet Torsades a organisé deux jours de séminaire participatif les 27 et 28 septembre 2021. (Fabienne Barataud) 09 Dec 2022
  • [hal-04152921] La méthode IDEA4. Indicateurs de Durabilité des Exploitations Agricoles. Principes & guide d’utilisation. Évaluer la durabilité de l’exploitation agricole ouvrage téléchargeable IDEA4 est une méthode d’évaluation et d’analyse de la durabilité des exploitations agricoles basée sur des indicateurs. Son cadre théorique combine une double approche basée sur les trois dimensions de la durabilité - agroécologique - socio-territoriale - économique - et les cinq propriétés des systèmes agricoles durables - capacité productive et reproductive de biens et services - autonomie - ancrage territorial - robustesse - responsabilité globale. Cette double lecture de la durabilité est une innovation majeure dans le panorama international des méthodes d’évaluation de la durabilité. La méthode IDEA4 est un outil transparent et opérationnel, directement applicable pour les systèmes de production agricole de France métropolitaine et plus largement d’Europe. IDEA4 a également l’aptitude d’être un support théorique et un outil d’évaluation pour les autres agricultures du monde moyennant quelques ajustements. Ses cinquante-trois indicateurs ont des modes de calculs ouverts et scientifiquement justifiés. Sa mise en œuvre s’opère sur une plage de temps raisonnable grâce des supports opérationnels pour le traitement des données et la production des résultats (fiches explicatives, guide d’enquête, calculateur, plateforme WEB-IDEA, etc.). La méthode IDEA4 permet d’identifier des voies de progrès vers plus de durabilité dans les démarches individuelles ou collectives de transition agroécologique. Elle est déjà largement utilisée dans l'enseignement agricole ou supérieur, dans les activités de conseil et d'accompagnement à la transition agroécologique, dans l’action publique pour la mise en œuvre et le suivi de programmes et dans la recherche. Cet ouvrage est le fruit d’un travail collectif interdisciplinaire conduit au sein du Comité Scientifique IDEA qui s’est réuni sous la direction scientifique de Frédéric Zahm. (voir et (Frédéric Zahm) 05 Jul 2023
  • [hal-04286749] Companion modelling approach for collective nitrogen management in a French municipality

    The specialization of agriculture has led to a disruption of nutrient cycles. Many studies ask for interactions between farms at the territorial level. But the implementation of collective solutions at this level requires the involvement of a diversity of stakeholders who are not all in direct interaction. This is why we have carried out a companion modelling approach to support a municipality to think about the collective management of nitrogen, particularly from effluents. The support approach involved elected officials, advisory and support organizations, associations, cooperatives and agri-food industries and a variety of farmers. From individual interviews and a collective restitution we produced a representation of the actors, resources, dynamics and interactions necessary to talk about nitrogen management in the territory. On this topic, the stakeholders individually identify 38 types of people involved and 53 resources mobilized. Two dynamics stand out: the presence of imported nitrogenous elements in the territory and the decrease in the number of livestock in favour of cultivated surfaces on increasingly large farms. These dynamics make the stakeholders of the territory put forward the solution of the biogas production facility which can convert these inputs into digestate usable on the cultures, even if several fears around the composition of these digestates exist. Nevertheless, with the decrease in the number of animals, farms that do not use all their effluents are rare, limiting the possibilities of direct interactions between farmers and cereal growers on the territory. This work therefore highlights the importance of off-farm actors for nitrogen management at the territorial level, but it also questions the role of farmers in collective management and the resilience of these tools in the event of a decrease in livestock production. These aspects will be the objectives of the role-playing game currently being prepared, which will allow farmers and elected officials to reflect on possible options for better nitrogen management on the territory. (Gilles Martel) 15 Nov 2023

Modification date: 29 July 2024 | Publication date: 29 July 2024 | By: FB