Metropolitan metabolism

Metropolitan metabolism

Moderated by Caroline Petit and Jacques Méry

The management of resources and their governance in the territories is a central theme in SADAPT, in a context marked by an increasing questioning of the linear economic model. The work of several members of the unit falls within the fields of the circular economy and industrial and/or territorial ecology. Through the study of the metabolism of agricultural and food systems, flow accounting approaches on a territory scale, analyses of the governance of territorial projects and socio-historical retrospectives of resource mobilization, this work addresses and questions the conditions for implementing circularity, particularly in metropolitan territories.

Read the working paper published by the groupe on Hal

Complementary orientations in three teams:

  • The Concepts team focuses in particular on livestock activities and on the territorial management of biomass of agricultural origin;
  • The Urban Agricultures team has a focus on food reterritorialization and the social-ecological diet of cities with respect to food management;
  • The Proximities team focuses its analyses on actor networks and proximity relations within circular economy projects, and also on the qualitative dimension of the material flows circulating between the city and the periphery.

The transversal group is a place for exchange and debate on the hybridization between study objectives (including metropolises and their surrounding areas, with their crossed organic flows) and issues (reconciliation of agriculture and environment, urban food systems, governance, sociology of risks, etc.) that constitute SADAPT, and circularity frameworks.

Modification date: 27 February 2024 | Publication date: 01 February 2024 | By: FB