

Moderated by Armelle Mazé and Véronique Saint-Gès

The Trans'Innov multidisciplinary research group, which brings together researchers and teacher-researchers from SADAPT JRU (INRAe-AgroParisTech, Université Paris Saclay), has formed around common themes that focus on the role of knowledge, skills, and actor networks in the emergence of open or distributed innovations in agriculture, whether rural, peri-urban, or urban, during the implementation of the agro-ecological transition and/or adaptation to climate change.

This group’s issues are multi-layered:

  • To constitute a place of exchange and scientific reflections on the various analysis frameworks, making it possible to apprehend these transformations;
  • To be open to multidisciplinary collaborations within the framework of the University of Paris-Saclay and the international context.

TRANS'INNOV questions the nature of the knowledge involved in open or distributed innovation models (open innovation), the role of public policies and the strategies for supporting actors in these transitions. What forms of R&D organization (consulting, platforms, clusters, networks, ecosystems, living labs, sharing economy, etc.)?  What role for digital and information technology?  What is the role of expertise and scientific knowledge in these transitions? What are the relationships between innovation trajectories and transitions (paths, locks, unlocks)? What are the dynamics of innovation and knowledge exchange between urban and rural agriculture? How do various intellectual property and data protection strategies affect the dynamics of innovations and transitions?

Modification date: 04 March 2024 | Publication date: 01 February 2024 | By: FB