“Health” group

“Health” group

The “Health” group was created on the initiative of Mourad Hannachi and Pierre Levasseur

The UMR SADAPT "Health" Exchange Group allows you to share your work and ideas on this theme, whether you are carrying out research on health or whether you want to come and listen and make comments to colleagues.

Context and opportunities:

Internally at SADAPT The advantages of SADAPT on SantéS

In SADAPT there is already research on:

  • soil and ecosystem health
  • human health and food health
  • the health of farmers and agricultural workers
  • Covid and agriculture
  • plant health
  • and soon an ESA livestock health zootechnician in SADAPT!

     The ONLY Research Unit (INRAE ​​and Sacaly) has carried out work on “health” on so many levels of food systems and socio-ecological systems!

The interest of the “Health” theme for SADAPT:

     Health is a boundary object (Star & Griesemer, 1989) in systems and research
     An object that cannot be reduced solely to risk, cost or value
     A favorable object for synergies (PluriD, InterD or TransD) between S.BioteK, Modeling, Sociological Surveys and Participatory Workshops (see work by J.Corburn in Berkeley)     Un objet propice pour les synergies (PluriD, InterD ou TransD) entre S.BioteK, Modélisation, Enquêtes sociologiques et Ateliers participatifs (cf. traveaux J.Corburn à Berkeley)

See also

Modification date: 07 March 2024 | Publication date: 01 February 2024 | By: FB