SADAPT research in brief

SADAPT research in brief

The sustainability challenges facing agriculture have evolved. They have led us to identify transversal themes addressed in our research, which highlight our integrated vision for designing and evaluating new sustainable agri-food systems.

  • We are working primarily on the multi-level assessment of agricultural sustainability in the context of global changes (climate, land use). Farm sustainability is seen as a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for the sustainability of territories.
  • We are also interested in the relationship between society and nature within territories. The concept of territorial metabolism allows us to rethink the dependence of human activities and agriculture on natural resources, biodiversity and ecosystem services.
  • We are also exploring the links between production and food within territories. The territorialized food system concept allows us to understand the socio-economic and agronomic implications of a local food insertion
  • Finally, we use multi-actor approaches to produce actionable knowledge. The increasing complexity of societal challenges requires new approaches to innovation and design that capitalize on scientific and actors’ knowledge.