Massimiliano De Antoni Migliorati

Massimiliano De Antoni Migliorati

Visiting Researcher

De Antoni Migliorati Massimiliano

Massimiliano (Max) De Antoni Migliorati, a Science Leader with the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (DESI) of the Queensland State Government in Australia.

Max will spend 6 months in our research unit to lay the groundwork for developing a tool to map carbon sequestration potential in Queensland. This tool aims to inform decisions by policy makers, land managers and investors in the Australian carbon market. This task is part of a three-year project led by Max for the Queensland State and Australian Federal Governments, in which Marco Carozzi will be also involved as a consultant.

This work will resonate with many of the researchers of SADAPT as it brings together the different expertise and disciplines within our research unit. The perspectives we can offer will be fruitful in achieving this goal and opening new avenues.

Max is supported by the University Paris Saclay within the Jean D’Alembert program who fund highly qualified foreign scientists.

His Office: F2.424