Céline Bignebat

Céline Bignebat

Chargée de recherche, équipe Proximités Economiste

Bignebat Celine


Celine.Bignebat [at] inrae.fr

Research overview

My research lies at the intersection of agricultural economics, food policy, and development. The main threads of this research revolve around:

  • Contract farming and agricultural value chains
  • Individual behavior under risk and uncertainty: agricultural labour, market access, and land markets
  • Market restructuring: retail and trade

Current Projects

GALoP (Gouvernance Alimentaire LOcale et Planification) 2017-2019 is part of the Metaprogramme Inra-Cirad  GloFoodS - http://www.glofoods.inra.fr/
This project investigates food planning at the local level in France (Bassin Parisien) and Morocco (Rabat-Casablanca). It questions (i) the emergence of food planning and its influence on peri-urban agricultural systems, (ii) the policy design (local regulation of land use and public food procurement for schools), (iii) and the interaction with long-distance food flows.

Participation to WAW (World Agriculture Watch) based in FAO which analyses the diversity and the evolution of agricultural holdings with an application to France.

Ses mots clés : Microéconomie appliquée - Modèle ménage - Commercialisation agricole - Travail agricole - Contrats - Applied microeconomics - Rural households - Marketing decisions - Agricultural labour - Contracts